Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Before and After

This is the sign at the entrance to San Diego's Little Italy. On a cloudy day. Not very interesting.

I've always thought it looked a bit old-fashioned and wondered what it would look like if I gave it a vintage look.  I think I like it... though the effect may be better if I didn't have modern cars in the background.  ;-)

If you like my shots, you need to visit Pixel Perfect for more before and after fun! And if you want to play along all you have to do is show us your SOOC (straight out of camera) shot and then the edited version. Link back to Pixel Perfect and link up your post below! Feel free to share with us your editing program and camera gear too!

Zentmrs Pin It


  1. Oh I think this definitely works. Nice job.

  2. I wonder if it is too yellow. I'll have to go out there when the sky is blue - it's a cool shot then too.

  3. Oh, that totally works! Great job!

  4. I wonder if you could go there early in the morning if you'd have a better chance at getting zero cars in the photo. You're right...a vintage effect really works for that photo.

  5. It's beautiful in vintage! I too was going to suggest maybe an early morning shot without cars, if possible.

  6. I like it! And I think it would be great to get there before the modern cars!!!

  7. Wonderful atmosphere set in your edit.

  8. Awesome edit! Really makes the photo.

  9. Great work, adds a lot of depth and mood to the shot.
