This has been a long week. We've had The Children the last two weeks while their mom and step-dad are out of town. The Children have many activities during the days and evenings. Busy. And since The Mr and I still needed to work, we were up at 5:30 every morning to make sure we got The Children to their schools, and make sure we both got to work so we could hurry and get home to take them to their various activities. I think it would be easier if their schedules were set based on our schedule, but as we generally only have them every evening, their schedules are set around their mom's schedule.
Anyway, today we got to sleep in all the way until 8:00! (Ahh for the pre-kid days of lazy Saturday mornings!). We took The Boy and The Girl to the bowling alley for bowling lessons. Their friends (3 of them) met us there - for some reason we agreed to take them for the day too. It seemed like a good idea at the time. After the lesson on the way to lunch, one of The Girl's friends calls and asks if she can come over. We said sure. Again, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
We get home around noon and realize are outnumbered three to one. Not sure how many of you have kids between the ages of 8 and 11. If you don't, you won't understand how very loud 6 children can be. Also, they argue. And bicker. And snipe at each other. Incessantly. Seriously.
Apparently, all those children brought out the domestica in me. We were planning barbecue sandwiches for dinner, so I decided to bake the French bread.
French bread is pretty easy to make. 4 ingredients - water, flour, yeast and salt. The bread machine made the dough.

And it baked crispy and tasty!

Thought the 6 rugrats might enjoy some cookies, so I baked some chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Even left the nuts out. I am pretty sure that deserves some type of award.
When I brought them out after dinner one of the "little darlings" said "What are those?" I said "Little cakes of poison." Yes, I had really had enough.

Now all but two of them are gone. Those two belong to us. And their mom (blessedly) comes back tomorrow. Then they belong to her.
I need some quiet time. And wine.