I always try to review my resolutions from the previous year before setting new ones. So I can figure out if I was successful. Most of the time I lose focus on them long before the year is out.
Last year, my resolution (like many others' resolutions I believe) was to become more healthy. After 5 years of wonderful happy (and apparently food-filled) marriage, The Mr and I both needed to turn our health around. To that end, I joined Weight Watchers when "At Work" meetings started at my office. I am SO HAPPY to be able to say that today, on the last day of the year, I reached my goal! Here's a before and after pic....
(I can't believe I am posting this picture on the internet...)

(...and I wish I had my skinny jeans here...but it's quite an improvement over our picture from March)

We lost a total of over 120 pounds combined! We are certainly a testament to the fact that WW works!
Now time to think about my 2009 resolution. Hope I can find one that works as well as 2008!