My 31 Things...
1. Where is your cell phone? right next to me
2. Where is your significant other? on business travel until Friday :-(
3. Your hair color? blonde
4. Your mother? Cathy
5. Your father? John
6. Your favorite thing? my camera and 50 mm 1.4 lens
7. Your dream last night? Hmmm... can't recall
8. Your dream/goal? we want to take a trip around the world
9. The room you're in? Family room
10. Your hobby? photography!
11. Your fear? losing The Mr
12. Where do you want to be in six years? living my wonderful life with the best hubby ever
13. Where were you last night? at home
14. What you’re not? on vacation
15. One of your wish list items? macro lens
16. Where you grew up? Minnesota
17. The last thing you did? cleared out my Reader
18. What are you wearing? work outfit still, black pants, white shirt, black heels
19. Your TV? on, showing DVRed M*A*S*H
20. Your pet? 5 cats (yes, we know it is too many) - Heideki, Lucy, Morgan, Anna and Viceroy
21. Your computer? laptop PC
22. Your mood? tired, but happy to be done for the day
23. Missing someone? The Mr!
24. Your car? Cadillac CTS-V and Suzuki XL-7
25. Something you’re not wearing? my sweater as it is nice and toasty in my house
26. Favorite store?
27. Your summer? too fast!
28. Love someone? Family, friends... so many peopel!
29. Your favorite color? Green
30. When is the last time you laughed? 3 minutes ago
31. Last time you cried? Last Saturday during a concert when there was a moment to remember a lost loved one
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