Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Caramel Apple Compote - in 20 minutes!

Fall is apple season.  When I was a kid, we used to go to Aamodt's Apple Farm and we got to taste so many varieties of apples.  And have apple cider.  Yum.  I remember just how the showroom smelled.  Cool and apple-y.

I was thinking about that the other day and decided we needed an apple dessert.  I didn't get to go to Aamodt's to pick my apples (a bit to far to drive...) but I did want to remember the feeling of eating super-flavorful apples and drinking hot cider.

I decided on Caramel Apple Compote.  Compote is a really easy way to use fruit for desserts.  From start to finish, this took about 20 minutes.  Here's how I did it:

Caramel Apple Compote

  • 8 medium apples
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup milk


Quarter and core the apples, then cut into bite-sized pieces (I quarter each quarter).

Put the apples in a saucepan with the water.

Stir in the brown sugar and simmer over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes, or until the liquid is mostly reduced and the apples are softened.

Turn off the heat and stir in the butter and milk.  This is what will give you the caramelly consistency.

And that is it!  Serve after it has cooled a bit.  Delicious fall flavor!  Beautiful enough to serve to company, but quick enough to make on a weeknight after work.  You can eat this plain or over vanilla ice cream.  Or tune in later this week to see what I did with it - you'll love it!


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  1. Ooh, this looks yummy! think I will be trying it tonight, thanks for sharing!

  2. What a great recipe! Stopping by to let you know that your fired up chocolate chip cookies were featured on this week's Munchin' on Mondays link up! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Stopping by once again to let you know that your Caramel Apple Compote recipe is being featured on this weeks Munchin' On Mondays link up! Stop by and grab your button :)
