Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, March 01, 2010

In Like a Lion, Out Like A Lamb?

I grew up in Minnesota. In the upper midwest, March is a big deal.

The days are every so slightly and noticeably longer. And with daylight such a premium in the long winter months, a few exta minutes is heaven.

You feel just a hint of warmth in the air. You don't put away your winter gear, but maybe you don't zip your jacket all the way to the top. Not in the middle of the day anyway.

Snow is still everywhere, but it's losing it's grip. Patches will melt away soon. Green will shine through soon.

Oh sure, another snowstorm or two are likely on the way. Wet, fat snowflakes, that will be quick to melt away. Another sign of the end of winter.

Now I live in Southern California. The signs of spring are different.

March means green. After a few months of rain, everything is exploding with growth! Green is unusual in So Cal, at least green that is not culitvated. And all that green will inevitably turn brown as the summer months come, so we enjoy the lushness while it is here.

March is the time when we open up the house most of the weekend days because the weather is warm. But still close up at night because nights are chilly.

March is our time to enjoy the sun before our several gray months.

March is welcome (!!), no matter where you live!

Zentmrs Pin It

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