Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, July 09, 2012

Harvest Monday: July 9, 2012

Another strawberry week.  This is just the best thing to pick week after week.  May they never stop!

I would be interested in picking some tomatoes.

The interesting thing is, I looked at last year's harvest from this week.  Here's what was in it:

And I said last year that I was looking forward to eating tomatoes and corn.  Ha!  So mostly right on track.  Except that this year, we have a lot more strawberries and they are a lot bigger!

I think we'll need to plant our corn and tomatoes earlier next year.

Anyway, so far this year?

Total Harvest for the Week: 1 pound 5 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year: 28 pounds, 8.4 ounces

 I'm thinking this will be a strawberry week again.  And hot peppers. Makings for an interesting dessert?

 Linked up with Daphne's Dandelions Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.

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  1. Your strawberries are beautiful! Mine are limping along....

  2. Your strawberries look absolutely delicious! Ours were yummy, but there weren't very many of them this year. Looks as though yours are bountiful!!!

  3. More strawberries - always a great outcome!

  4. love those strawberries! Mine are taking a break but I see a few green fruits out there. Really need to get some more plants put in!

  5. Those strawberries look killer! What variety are they? Glad to see you are on track for the year :)

  6. Awesome strawberries and they look perfect despite their dark color. Was there more sun or something this year to make the difference with last year?
