Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, July 18, 2011

Harvest Monday: July 18, 2011

I've been so happy to continue to have peas this year. I'm hoping that we can make this a year-round harvest!

We keep getting strawberries too - I am definitely not complaining about that either!

And peppers!  Tomorrow I'll show you our progress with the bell peppers.  Looks like we will have some of those to harvest this year after all.

More peas...

... and more strawberries.

Total Harvest for the Week:  1 pound, 4.3 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year:  13 pounds, 9.1 ounces

Maybe some green onions this week, and I think we'll pull more herbs.  I expect a bunch of hot peppers, and, of course peas and strawberries.  We're still anxiously waiting for the corn and tomatoes, and I think we've started to grow a watermelon or two (finally)!

Linked up with Daphne's Dandelion's Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.

Zentmrs Pin It


  1. Yum! Your harvest looks great!

  2. You can't beat peas and strawberries. Yum.

  3. Very nice! Oh how I wish I could grow snap pea through the summer.
