Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, July 11, 2011

Harvest Monday: July 11, 2011

This week's harvest - more strawberries and basil, but also our first Red Chilean Sweet Pepper!

Total Harvest for the Week:  6.6 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year:  12 pounds, 4.8 ounces

The strawberries are still coming, we've got more peas to pick this week, a couple of sweet peppers, possibly some green onions and some hot peppers.  And we're still anxiously waiting for the corn and tomatoes!

Linked up with Daphne's Dandelion's Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.

Zentmrs Pin It


  1. That's some gorgeous bounty.

  2. What a pretty red pepper. I'm ages from my peppers turning red.
