Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Tuesday Garden Party - Some things grow fast.. others...

Peppers are growing like crazy! We've got...


... serannos....

... habaneros...

... jalapenos and anaheims.
Sadly, the tomatoes are taking their own sweet time. Lots of blossoms though, so that (in theory) means that we will have tomatoes one day.

Next week I hope to show you our most recent garden addition. In the meantime, check out An Oregon Cottage for her weekly Garden Party.

What's in YOUR garden this week?

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  1. ooh spicy stuff! curious, what do you do with all those peppers? so many varieties.

  2. Beautiful peppers! You are in a warmer gardening zone than I, and your plants are consequently much further along than mine. But I remain hopeful that I will eventually get some peppers. This year I grew 'Marconi' sweet Italian frying peppers, because they grow relatively quickly and will usually turn red on the vine--we'll see.

    Athena at Minerva's Garden

  3. I am going to dub you "the Pepper Queen" :) You have more varieties than I even knew existed. Are you going to make salsa with your peppers and tomatoes??? I plan on making some with my tomatoes and canning it. YUM!

  4. Hey, your tomatoes look really healthy, though! When they come in you'll probably be swimming in them. :-) Thanks for sharing at the TGP.

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