Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Time Out

Christmas is next week! I think we're ready...

...the house is decorated...

... the poinsettias in place...

... the Christmas flowers are blooming...

OK, so we've got a few things left to do - the presents aren't wrapped, the cookies still need to be boxed, the groceries are still at the store and not in my refrigerator, the family has not yet arrived (!)...

But it seemed like a good time to sit back for moment in the middle of this (very!) busy season to reflect on the good things we have in our lives. I've got The Mr, who makes everything worthwhile, our families, our fur-babies (though they don't seem too wonderful at 4:00 AM), good jobs, a beautiful home. We are truly blessed.
Do you take time out during the holidays to enjoy what you have?

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