I think The Mr had a nice birthday yesterday. We went out to dinner and came home to some decadent chocolate cake and PRESENTS!

We had to sort of improvise on the candles (as my parents', whom we are visiting right now, didn't have any birthday candles)...

... but one of them did make a neat reflection!

The Mr got a number of DVDs (which is good because we plan to pack all our Christmas and birthday gifts in our luggage when we fly home in a few days!)...

... a digital picture frame... and a couple of very cool astronomy devices. One lets you point at a star or object in the sky, and using GPS technology, tells you what it is and some history about it. Super cool! Then you can take the astronomy binoculars and look at the thing in the sky. Last night was cloudy, but tonight we went outside and checked out some sky. Cold (!!!) but fun!

Hope you enjoyed your birthday! (and don't forget... the cats still have their "main" present to you at home!) We all love you very much!

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