Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, October 17, 2011

Harvest Monday: October 17, 2011

We're still getting some wonderful wonderful produce this fall.

We picked the last of the corn - my goodness was it tasty!

The green onions are (finally!) starting to be harvestable.

We've got a ton of hot peppers on the vine.  I only picked a few, and we'll get a bunch more next week.

And the strawberries keep coming too, though still a little at a time.

And the peas?  Fabulous!


And the rest of the watermelon (someone didn't take a picture of them).  A lot of watermelon.

Such pretty colors - I have loved having all of these plants this summer!

Total Harvest for the Week:  37 pounds, 5.9 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year:  89 pounds, 15.5. ounces

Oh my!  I never thought we'd get that much out of our garden.... though I have to say the watermelon feels a little bit like cheating.  On the other hand, it did overtake EVERYTHING so perhaps we've gots some justification there.

Linked up with Daphne's Dandelion's Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.

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1 comment:

  1. Everything, but especially the corn, looks magnificent.
