Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, August 15, 2011

Harvest Monday: August 15, 2011

What a colorful harvest we had this week!

Green Onions!
Red Peppers!

Orange Carrots!

Yellow and Red Tomatoes!

And Orange and Red Tomatoes!

Beautiful Yellow Lemons!

And a Green Watermelon!

Total Harvest for the Week:  4 pounds, 7.9 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year:  35 pounds, 4.5 ounces

This should be a great week for tomatoes... and our new peas are growing like crazy - a good chance we'll see something from them soon!

Linked up with Daphne's Dandelion's Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.

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  1. I am so very jealous of your gorgeous, colorful bounty of garden stuff!!!

  2. A truly lovely, colorful harvest. You and all of your heat and sunshine. I just can't imagine harvesting Lemons :)Enjoy!
