We've had such a busy holiday season, I haven't had time to update you on our activities. We started our festivities on Christmas Eve.
The Mr barbecued a turkey and I worked on all the fixings.

Our turkey, ready to be carved! (That's me, the blur of activity in the background!)

I also baked the almond roll, our traditional Christmas breakfast bread. Yum!

Someone must have been good...

The Boy and The Girl, with typical expressions...

The Cats got gifts too. I think they may have ended up on the wrong list, but don't tell Santa.

Our aspiring writer...

The Mr opens a good one!

My Sis with one her her gifts.

The family, all together. All wearing our matching scarves.

I couldn't have asked for a better day - surrounded by family and laughter. Truly, life does not get better than this.

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