Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday's Table for April 29, 2014

We're back from our amazing Mediterranean vacation, more or less rested and full of new ideas.  And we're back just in time to celebrate Cinco de Mayo - a switch to spicy Mexican flavors from the delicious Greek and Italian flavors.

This week's feature is Ma Niche's Italian Walnut Black Pepper Cookies! My goodness these look delicious. Just the thing to keep my vacation fresh in my mind!   You need to head over and see her site.

Please grab a button  - and thanks so much for sharing!

And now it's time to fill Tuesday's Table.  Are you planning for your Easter celebration and have some great recipes to share? I can always use some great inspiration, and y'all always come through with it!

For this week's party, only a few guidelines:
  • Please share as many links as you like, but only if you haven't shared them here before
  • Add a link back to Tuesday's Table (or grab a button above!) so others can join in the fun
  • Follow me via Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, RSS or Bloglovin (see my sidebar!)
No other requirements, but visit the other links here, and I'd love for you to sign up for my email reminder here!

And now, for this week's link party!

zentMRS - Love in the Kitchen
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  1. Thanks Susan for hosting. Can't wait to hear about your vacay!

  2. Love it!! Thanks for hosting. I would love it if you would stop by our party and share.
    Have a great week! Lou Lou Girls

  3. Hi Susan
    Thanks for the party. Hope you will come by tonight and link up with me too.

  4. Thanks for the party!! Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  5. Looks like a delicious party once again!!!
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  6. A wonderful group of recipes!! Blessings dear. Catherine

  7. Thanks for hosting! I've shared my adventures with The-Dessert-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named!

  8. Thanks for hosting! I shared my hummus bites which are great vegan and allergy-friendly appetizers. I also shared my super fresh “can’t wait for summer” gazpacho smoothie—a savory swap out for fruity smoothies.
