Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, January 12, 2015

Tuesday's Table for January 13, 2015

Welcome to Tuesday's Table - and Happy New Year!  Thank you so much for coming by and sharing all of your wonderful ideas.  I get such inspiration from everyone's links!

This week's feature is Our Mini Family's Heart-Shaped Egg Breakfast.  I've had a heart-shaped egg ring for several years and have never put it to use.  Seeing how adorable this looks, and just how easy it is to make, I know that this breakfast will have to be on our weekend menu!   To see how to re-create this, step-by-step, in your kitchen, head over and see this wonderful site.

Please grab a button  - and thanks so much for sharing!

And now it's time to fill Tuesday's Table.  What kinds of delicious and creative things have been coming out of your kitchen lately?  I can't wait to see them!

For this week's party, only a few guidelines:
  • Please share as many links as you like, but only if you haven't shared them here before
  • Add a link back to Tuesday's Table (or grab a button above!) so others can join in the fun
  • Follow me via Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, RSS or Bloglovin (see my sidebar!)
No other requirements, but visit the other links here, and I'd love for you to sign up for my email reminder here!

And now, for this week's link party!

zentMRS - Love in the Kitchen


  1. Hello beautiful! I always love stopping by at your fabulous party. Please stop by our party that starts tonight at 7 pm. We would really appreciate it. Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  2. Thanks for hosting! We would love it if you would join us at Funtastic Friday, our weekly blog hop at Hope to see you there.

  3. Good morning! Thanks for hosting another great party! Love the featured heart egg, wonder if I could use a cookie cutter and create the same thing?
    On The Home Front

  4. Thanks for the party~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  5. Thanks for hosting the party. Happy New Year.

  6. Thanks for hosting! I’m sharing Turkey Sloppy Joe sauce— an easy and versatile basic dish you can reinvent any night of the week! I’m also sharing Apple Boatmeal— it makes a great breakfast, mid-afternoon snack, or even a dessert!

  7. Thanks for hosting! I'm sharing a post about dandelions -- because it's cold outside and dandelions are cheery bits of sunshine!
    ~ Christine | Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers
