Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, August 27, 2012

Harvest Monday: August 27, 2012

We got more tomatoes this week, and I think we'll have some fabulous beauties ripen towards the end of the week.

We got our new camera this week, and some better lighting solutions too.  And what I notice from looking at this picture is that I need to wipe the water spots off those tomatoes!

I didn't get pictures of the multitude of peppers we picked this week, nor the strawberries.  And I forgot to take any of the corn either.  I'm either really hungry when I harvest or my mind is going.  Can't decide which.  The Mr could probably tell you though.

I think we'll see more strawberries and peppers this week.  And our lettuce is coming back - maybe enough for a salad this week!  Corn too.  And tomatoes.  It does look to be a productive week!

Total Harvest for the Week: 4 pounds, 1.8 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year: 45 pounds, 0.5 ounces

 Linked up with Daphne's Dandelions Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.



  1. Those are some nice looking tomatoes! Sounds like it's been a good week for you.

  2. Totally agree with nutmeg gardener.

  3. Very nice looking tomato harvest! I'm always forgetting to take a picture of something!

  4. Your tomatoes sure do look a lot better than mine! Even if they do have water spots! Sounds like you are getting a lot of wonderful produce even if you forgot to take pictures! Enjoy! Thanks for visiting my blog! Nancy

  5. Wish I had tomatoes like those. They would go nicely with my cucumbers. Maybe we can trade.

  6. Great looking tomatoes, you've got to love this time of year!! Fresh tomatoes are the best!

  7. Aren't tomato harvests just the best? Not sure I will ever get tired of them :-) Congrats on the new camera!

  8. I am still waiting for my larger tomatoes to ripen but your mention of lettuce reminds me that I should start seeds for a fall harvest. I don't know what it is, but I always forget the lettuce!

  9. Ha! I was noticing water spots on my pics of ripe cherokee purple tomatoes too. I often have a hard time remembering to get the pictures and weighing done before I start eating on the daily harvests. It finally (after years of doing this now) becoming a habit but I still occassionally miss catching a harvest because I space it out and move on to using the harvest.

  10. For me, photographing the garden and it's produce is now second nature - but I often forget to weigh the veggies. Actually I don't really keep tallies of the harvest weights etc, but I do still like to be able to say "today I picked another pound of beans" or something.
    What type is your new camera?

  11. I can only wish I had a camera that was capable of picking up water spots and other details like that. Great harvest!

  12. The tomatoes look great, water spots and all! Mine are just starting to come in, I'm so happy to be eating my own tomatoes, there's nothing better.
