Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Tuesday Garden Party - A Little Sun Helps a Lot!

I feel like we are gaining some traction in the garden this week.  

Tomatoes... growing and growing! 

We planted seeds of a lot of different varieties - I look forward to seeing how they all do.  I think the tallest ones (so far) are the banana legs.  A funny name for a tomato I think!

We planted more hot peppers this weekend.  Hot peppers have done very well for us, and now we've got even more!

Herbs too - and we even planted some for the cats.  They LOVE catnip!

This is one of the plants I found growing in the marigold/4 o'clock pot.  I don't think it is either a marigold or a 4 o'clock.  Do you?

And I know that this is not a rose growing in my rose garden....

This is, however, corn!  Yea corn!  That was one of my favorites last year, and we are doing more this year.  I hope it does as well!

 And one more shot for the sweet peppers.  We had so much trouble with them last year I nearly did not plant any, but since we eat so many of them, I thought we had to try.  One last time.

The sun and warm weather sure help the plants grow! Check back next week to see what another week brings - in the meantime, check out An Oregon Cottage for her weekly Garden Party.



  1. Your pepper starts look fantastic--well done! I couldn't get any of my pepper seeds to germinate this year, so that is a bummer. I have tomatoes that reseed everywhere outside, too! It always amazes me that they survive the snow and cold weather we get up here and just germinate on their own outside.

  2. Great start in your garden!

  3. Thanks for dropping by my garden post this week! My daughter lived in Escondido for two years and loved the warm sunshine. I'm sure gardening there is oh-so-much-easier than're growing corn already! Ours hasn't even been planted yet, and it's a good thing because the weather man is predicting a frost tonight.

    Happy gardening!


  4. Wow, your garden is looking great already! Lots of vegetable plants and herbs to enjoy. Thank you for stopping to visit me. Have a great weekend.

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