Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, May 14, 2012

Harvest Monday - May 14, 2012

The start of the harvest season is here!

We have kept our planting this year to peppers (sweet and hot), corn, tomatoes, strawberries, herbs and peas.

Well, some experiment lettuce as well. 

And a couple of new berry bushes. 

 And while everything else is still just getting going in growth, our peas are flourishing! Which is great, since they are basically leftovers from last year and a few plants that grew where The Mr threw some seeds. Hardy plants are they. And don't they have beautiful results?

Total Harvest for the Week:  10.5 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year:  10.5 ounces

I should have a tomato or two this week, and maybe some strawberries. Possibly some hot peppers. And I think more peas - yum!

Linked up with Daphne's Dandelion's Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.



  1. Love peas! any way they come except canned! Our crazy winter weather, helped by a a couple of rabbits did in most of my peas, but there is always next year!
