Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday Garden Party - Midsummer Update

I have to tell you, The Mr is super smart. And he can do just about anything.

Last week, when the (stupid) mouse was eating our plants, he built the plants some screened-in-porches. Very cool!

And - they work wonderfully!

The strawberries are flourishing....

The struggling volunteer peas are making a comeback...

And the peppers have all kinds of new growth!
With no signs of any (stupid) mice!
The Mr is quite impressive!

Also growing this week - tomatoes!  I wasn't sure (still haven't actually seen a ripe one) that we'd get any ant all, but we've got tons of little ones, so it keeps getting more and more likely that we'll have some beautiful red tomatoes from the garden one of these days.

The corn keeps growing and looking closer and closer to being ready.  We absolutely cannot wait!

And our first pumpkin is getting some color!
I think I'd try to make fried green tomatoes if I thought our tomato crop would be large.  Maybe after the first ones start to ripen.

The sun certainly seems to be shining on our garden this week! I'll be picking a bunch of hot peppers later (you'll have to check back later this week to see what I'll be doing with them) and come on back next week to see what another week brings - in the meantime, check out An Oregon Cottage for her weekly Garden Party.



  1. Nice happenings in your garden! I love that you have pumpkin! How exciting!!

  2. Your garden is looking nice! Our corns still have a long way to go. We can't wait, either!

  3. Such progress there! Our tomatoes look like yours--but we have mice. Ick.

  4. It's nice to share produce--but those mice didn't ask first so they don't deserve anything. Your screen porches are working fabulously--enjoy your yummies!

  5. Your garden looks beautiful! :)

  6. p.s. Did you harvest your pumpkin for Halloween? Or pie? Or both?
