Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Garden Party - Gardening Realities

We've had good luck in our garden this year for the most part.  However, even good luck in gardening has its realities.

Like the reality of dealing with critters...

And trying to rid the plants of insects...

And different insects...

And slugs....

Some insect prevention (keep that corn healthy!)

And the reality that, for every tiny little watermelon...

... there are watermelon vines dying for unknown reasons.

For every ripening tomato...

... tomato plants wither and die.

For each vibrant petunia...

... one doesn't make it.

For each healthy, growing pumpkin...

... one struggles.

And those are just the realities that one must accept if one is to survive gardening with one's sanity intact.

And it does help to have a very healthy corn crop to turn to!  Have I mentioned we are excited about our corn lately?  ;-)

Even with the (fairly standard I think) setbacks that we have had this year, our garden has been such a pleasure for us!  We'll be expanding in the fall and have great plans for next summer.

This summer is just ramping up though, and I'm thinking that our "all volunteer tomato army" will be giving us ripe tomatoes any day now, and we'll have more delicious corn for dinner!  Come on back next week to see what another week brings - in the meantime, check out An Oregon Cottage for her weekly Garden Party.



  1. That corn looks so good! In fact, it looks just like the Sugar Dot that I'm paying $4.50 a dozen this year at the farm stand.

    Yes, we have garden failures, but luckily we have even more garden successes. It balances out quite well.

  2. I've quite a few "failures" this year. I look at them as a learning experience.

  3. oh how I wish I had that beautiful corn right this minute dripping with butter..
    Have a happy weekend
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  4. Brava on the corn! WE never have that kind of luck. And I do feel better knowing I'm not the only one with garden struggles. Guess that's universal.
