Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, July 25, 2011

Harvest Monday: July 25, 2011

We had a pretty exciting week!

We had peppers!!

Hot Cherry Peppers...

and some Cayenne Peppers...

Tons of basil (love this!)...

... and a few more Cayenne Peppers.
Strawberries (yum)!

And?!!  Corn!!  Incredibly delicious!  And worth the wait.  We will definitely be growing this again.

Another of our Chilean Sweet Peppers...
And even more corn!!

I have to say, we are loving our harvests this year!

Total Harvest for the Week:  6 pounds, 0.7 ounces
Total Harvest for the Year:  19 pounds, 9.8 ounces

Maybe some green onions this week, and I think we'll pull more herbs.  I expect a bunch of hot peppers, and, of course peas and strawberries.  We're still anxiously waiting for the tomatoes, and I think we've started to grow a watermelon or two (finally)!

Linked up with Daphne's Dandelion's Harvest Monday... hop on over and see what else is being picked this week.



  1. So jealous of your corn! Nice harvest!!

  2. Lovely corn - I think I can almost taste it. What are you doing with your basil?

  3. Allison - thanks! We're so excited to have the corn. It's been one of my all-time favorite things to grow!

    Hanni - We love the corn! And the basil? I use it for tomato sauce, for pesto (we recently made a fabulous goat cheese pesto) and for bruschetta and when cooking pork chops... basically about anything that I can! My next attempt will be a basil-lemon granita. Check back for the results if you are interested!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Oh that corn looks delicious. I can't wait for my corn to be ready.
