Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday Garden Party - Not Quite as High as an Elephant's Eye...

Our garden is getting a good start this year. We are growing mostly everything from seed this year, new for us - and it is working! No one is more surprised. ;-)

This is our corn a week ago...

... and this is it today!

We're also growing sweet bell peppers.  These seeds were planted on the same day as the corn, but apparently doesn't grow quite as quickly.  The plants in the ground around the edge of the seedlings are watermelon (also planted the same day).

We're growing a pumpkin patch too - and boy do those plants grow quickly! Those are tomatoes towards the bottom of the photo - hopefully they'll take off soon too.

Things have been sprouting all over around at the zentCasa.  I wonder what this week will bring - come on back to see what we've got. In the meantime, check out An Oregon Cottage for her weekly Garden Party.



  1. Just so you know, I've been told (so we know it's true, right) that bell peppers require less frequent watering. I don't know what that means, but....just what I was told.

    Can't wait to hear how delicious the bounty is!

  2. You're having just the right weather! Yay!

  3. I'm so jealous! We're still having frost and the occasional snow flurry, so all I have are dreams of tomatoes and squash and beans. Summer has to arrive sometime, doesn't it???

  4. It must be nice to live where the sun shines! Tho' some part of So Cal have been getting rain lately, I guess, but most of it has been coming north to Oregon. Finally, we have had two nice days in a row! Looks like you will have fresh produce very soon, yum!

  5. How fun! I love planting things that grow fast and corn is definately one of those things. Your pumpkins look great, your children will have so much fun with those.

  6. My pumpkin took over the yard last year. I'm afraid to grow it again. I would love to grow corn, but I don't have the space.

    We are having A LOT of rain in PA and not a lot of sun.

  7. Love watching veggie's grow! My kids want to plant pumpkins.... I just haven't given in.. yet!

    Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower adn look forward to reading more of your posts and life in San Diego. ~ ellen

  8. Great blog! I will be checking back on your meal planning, I have the same troubles/issues! Home, tired, hungry, not a good trio! Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Your garden is looking good! The corn looks great! Thanks again for stopping by my blog!

  10. We grew corn last year with potatoes growing underneath. Fortunately the squirrels didn't discover the corn until it was almost done. It was so wonderful pulling our own corn out of the freezer this winter.

  11. Corn must be fun to grow. I haven't ventured into corn yet but cool! And pumpkins! How fun!!
