Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Tuesday Garden Party - Tomatoes

I've got exciting news today! (Well exciting to me at least...) My tomato is almost ripe!

That's right. My one tomato.

Isn't it pretty? Here's a closer look...

And actually, you can see his tiny little brother behind him! I'm hoping that now the plant itself will grow so that we can get more than one tomato at a time. And more than two total tomatoes!

We have had a real journey with tomatoes this year. We planted tomatoes and herbs and peppers. Kind of a spaghetti sauce garden.

We planted our first tomato many weeks ago. And it was growing pretty well. It even had a little tomato on it!

We planted it in a topsy-turvy (which is working really well, BTW) and we moved it from one spot to another. And then it fell. Right on top of the main plant stem. :-(

So, we planted a new tomato in the topsy-turvy (that's the one you see that is almost ripe!) and I took the main stem of the old tomato and put it in a vase of water.

And it started to root! So, we potted it. See the little tomato?

The plant doesn't look great, but the roots appear to have taken. Maybe it will grow, maybe it won't we'll see.

And I couldn't resist sharing a shot of my Anaheims. Do you think they look ready to pick?

Also check out the cutest little cayenne pepper!

I'm looking forward to using some of this produce one of these days.

Next week - what's happening in our front yard. In the meantime, check out An Oregon Cottage for her weekly Garden Party.

What's in YOUR garden this week?



  1. Oh my gosh! That tomato is a beauty!! I love fresh tomatoes & eating them sliced in the summer in the morning for breakfast.

  2. I love the upside down garden hangers. Note to self- be very careful when moving mr. tomato plant!

  3. Oh fresh tomatoes are the best! I've never done Anaheim's but they look ready to me.

  4. Love your tomatoe - have you ever tried sun sugar varity - they are to die for! thanks for sharing, Paula from Idaho

  5. Wow, my tomatoes just started flowering earlier this week so i'm impressed you've got one about ready to pick. thanks for letting us know the topsy turvey works. I see em in the store but never knew if it would work well or not. happy gardening.

  6. Wow! you almost have a tomato ripe?!?!? I'm sooo jealous! My plants are about 18 inches high and ready to be'll be awhile before mine are ready!
    Thank you for your visit to my blog and your comments on my fire pit makeover. It's amazing what you can do with spray paint these days! I hope you'll stop back soon! Have a great rest of the week

  7. WOW a tomato, ripe? My plants look like they have soaked in the bathtub to long compared to yours-kind of shriveled! Not one bloom yet...baaah. Ahhh sunny San Diego...

  8. Yummy! Looks so good! Congrats on your firsts of the season! I love how you've revived that little tomato plant! He seems to be paying you back for your good deed! =0)

  9. The feeling of the first ripe produce from the garden is wonderful! You might have more luck with the tomato you're trying to "rehabilitate" if you remove the little tomatoes. I know it's hard! But the energy needs to go to producing leaves and flowers and not just one little tomatoe. Just a thought. :-)

    Nice to see you again through the Tuesday Garden Party and live vicariously in sunny SD through you!
