Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday Garden Party - In the Front

We spent our gardening time in our front yard for the most part this last week.

Right now we've got tons of miniature roses growing in our window boxes at the front windows.

And now we have an empty space. Waiting to be filled. Don't tell The Mr I said that. ;-)
We have an empty space because we moved these shrubs...

... this poor rose (I am hoping that she will do better in her new location)...
... and a whole bunch of lilies. I like how it all turned out!

And do you remember last week? When I showed you that little cayenne pepper? This one?

This is it this week! Holy cow!

Next week - critter questions. In the meantime, check out An Oregon Cottage for her weekly Garden Party.

What's in YOUR garden this week?



  1. I love watching how fast my veggies grow. I swear that I can tell the difference day to day!

  2. I think I rearrange my garden more often than my furniture!

    My mini roses have started to bloom too--hurray! Don't you love them? Easy, hardy, lots of color.

  3. Cute pepper! Gardening is a labor of love for sure but so awesome when you can actually eat what you grew. Gets me every time!

  4. I'm always so envious of people who can grow roses! Your stuff looks great! And your little pepper is almost too cute to eat. : ) Thanks for sharing!

  5. I have had a crazy week and didn't get a post around for TGP. I think your beds will look great with the roses. HOpe they survive the transplant well. And the Pepper is coming along. Happy gardening!

  6. Pretty roses! I don't know why but growing roses terrify me! LOL! I'm afraid I'll murder them! Yours looks lovely. Those peppers are taunting me too! Yum! Harvest is right around the corner for you!

  7. We have some inherited roses in our back yard but they haven't even started to bud yet. I'm sure I didn't do something that I should have, LOL.

  8. I love a blank canvas! Can't wait to see what you create! Very jealous of your adorable pepper! I'm salivating just looking at it! ;)

  9. Enjoyed sharing your garden. Love your roses.

  10. Loved loved loved the roses! I just love flowers- any of them!

    Thanks for visiting today at ilovemy5kids!

