Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sunday Snapshot - A Party with a View

We went to a party this afternoon. A good-bye party for the Director of Music Ministries at our church. The Mr and I are both involved in the music program, and we will miss our director and friend Jackie. She, however, is happy to be retiring!

One of the choir members held the party at his home which overlooks the San Diego Harbor. A beautiful house with and incredible view! I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't leave my house if I saw this every day!

Ni Hao Y'all



  1. Oh, we have been checking out rentals for vacation & totally drool over the ones with those spectacular views. Looking over the water just does something for your soul, you know?

  2. Oh my goodness, I would be right there with ya!!!

  3. WOW.Wow.WOW.Wow. What a view. and I love your composition and the colors in this, beautiful. and WOW. that view rocks.

  4. What beautiful colors & I LOVE the boats in the background. What a great place to be able to sit outside & eat breakfast.

  5. What a unique picture- such talent!!
