Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Before and After - Peeking

Meet my sweet Lucy. She's our oldest cat now, and really as sweet and gentle as can be.

She's also entirely black and very hard to photograph. So I decided to take the below photo and use to edit and see if I could get a decent shot of her out of it.

What do you think of the results?

If you like my shots, you need to visit Pixel Perfect for more before and after fun! And if you want to play along all you have to do is show us your SOOC (straight out of camera) shot and then the edited version. Link back to Pixel Perfect and link up your post below! Feel free to share with us your editing program and camera gear too!



  1. I have a black lab and he is hard to photograph well too. I find that using a flash or 2 really help bring out the details in his coat and maintain his deep black color. Picnik is great isn't it? Many tools and you used them well.

  2. I can almost feel the warmth from the sun on her fur. What a beautiful cat and a beautiful photo!

  3. I love how it really shows off her face. It's hard to see it in the SOOC. Great work!

  4. Hi, I thought I'd take a little poke around your blog starting at the entrance, and your photos are just stunning!
