Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lemonade Iced Tea

We planted mint in our garden this year. Apparently, mint grows like a weed. And we've got mint growing out of our ears. (there are probably some other cliches I could use, but I'll stop here.)

I found this delicious recipe to get a start on using our mint... what a wonderful drink to serve while spending a relaxing afternoon in the sun!

3 cups water
4 tea bags
1 cup fresh mint leaves
1/2 cup sugar
4 cups cold water
1 (6-oz.) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
Garnish: fresh citrus slices

1. Bring 3 cups water to a boil in a 2-qt. saucepan. Remove from heat, add tea bags, and stir in fresh mint. Cover and steep 10 minutes.

2. Remove and discard tea bags and mint. Stir in sugar until dissolved.

3. Pour tea into a 3-qt. container, and stir in 4 cups cold water and lemonade concentrate. Serve over ice. Garnish, if desired.

Yum! For more great recipes, check out The Grocery Cart Challenge Recipe Swap! And if you have a recipe to share, please join in the fun!


1 comment:

  1. This sounds yummy! I have mint to and never know what to do with it all. I will definitely have to give this a whirl! Thanks for sharing!
