Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, January 19, 2009

On Staying Organized - Menu Plan Monday

In my (continuing) effort to be more organized, I'm going to start Menu Plan Monday again. Here's our current plan (always subject to change). If you are interested in any recipes, let me know!

Monday - Leftover Roundup (where I make some creative dinner from what is left in our refrigerator)
Tuesday - Weekly Dinner at the In-Laws'
Wednesday - We don't have The Children, and The Mr has not started his singing group up again yet, so we can have a date! I'll be making Tilapia with Cherries, Shallots and Tarragon to start the evening... we'll see where it goes from there!
Thursday - The Boy has Karate - we have about enough time to eat our McDonald's dinner before his session starts
Friday - Pork Chops and homemade applesauce
Saturday - Pietro's, our favorite local restaurant
Sunday - Theme dinner.... still working on the theme, but I'll have more about this by Sunday... (though I can tell you that the theme for 2/1 is Superbowl!)


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