Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Ducky!

OK. I collect ducks. Our master bathroom is our "rubber duckie" room. The Mr enables this addiction habit. Thought I would give you a glimpse of some of them.

A couple of duckie pictures (one is a puzzle that we framed)...

... a beautiful duckie princess with her adoring courtiers...

... ducks on vacation...

... hope they stay away from the pirate!

I have a darling set of Christmas Carol duckies we put out at Christmas. I keep Scrooge and Tiny Tim out all year long to remind us to keep the Christmas spirit.

Here's our duckie alarm clock - it quacks when the alarm goes off!

Duckie kleenex box, covered by my University of MN duckie (otherwise the pest our sweet cat Anna will take out all of the Kleenex and bring it to the front door for us)

Momma duckie and her little babies...

... and a duckie cotton ball container...

... ducks on an outlet cover...

... and our adorable duckie towels and washcloths!

And finally, a bonus picture of my crazy cat Morgan, who likes to stand in the sink, let the water fall onto his head, and drink it as it drips off his head.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stopping over to say "hi." What a creative bathroom! I think the alarm clock is my favorite!When I read your post it caused me to think of all the rubber duck themed decor I've seen at the stores. My daughter has 4, each a different color! One blinks and changes colors!

    I also like the picture of your cat in the sink!

    I saw you have a connection to Minnesota and I'm wondering what it is. I have lived there and love to go back to visit!

  3. You have such a wonderful collection Mrs. Zent, they are all so cute! The Tiny Tim and Scrooge could be our favorites... it is tough to decide. What a great collection!

  4. duckies are so cute and so is the bathroom

  5. OMG! I am your swap partener for the favorate things swap and I just have to say that my 1 year old daughter is totally obsessed with ducks also! hahaha- she goes around half the day with the ducks head in her mouth instead of a binki!
