Love in the Kitchen - making fast, healthy, homegrown meals you'll enjoy

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Is it just me?

I love Amazon. I've been shopping there for years. It is generally the first site I check when looking for just about anything. We have been "Prime" members since that program started, and we have definitely goteen our money's worth.

That being said, I was looking at my recommendations today and found this...

Does that make any sense to anyone? Lots of people who buy Waterford Crystal Christmas flutes buy power screwdrivers?




  1. Oh yes I love Amazon. I did almost all of my christmas shopping on Amazon. We sell our custom rugs on Amazon too.

    Thanks for the blog advice & for entering our giveaway! I just added ways for you to get extra enties in our giveaway...come by and check it out. Ok so I'm off to check out your blog!

    Take Care

  2. That is pretty funny! I guess that my husband might be recommended to buy some fine china since he purchased a powertool.
